Prizes for Written Poetry
- Victorian Written Poetry Championship and Silver Brumby Award 2024
- 1st Prize and Championship Trophy (The Music of a Train)
- 2nd Prize - Serious Section (The Storyteller)
- 2nd Prize - Humorous Section (The Chase)
- 3rd Prize - Humorous Section (Eastern Daylight Time)
- Rabindranath Tagore International Poetry Award 2023
- 1st Prize (Celebration of the Birds) - Oracles of the Bush (Tenterfield) Written Poetry Award 2023
- 1st Prize - Themed Section "Community Threads" (The Old Bush Hall) - Betty Olle Written Poetry Award 2023
- Highly Commended (The Music of a Train) - Eastwood Hills Fellowship of Australian Writers Awards 2023
- 1st Prize - Flash Fiction (Short Story) (Rabbits!)
- 1st Prize - Memoir (Short Story) (Lawson - A Memoir)
- Highly Commended - Boree Log Bush Poetry (The Trial of Harry Redford)
- Bronze Swagman Award 2022
- 1st Prize (The Spirit of the Outback)
- Highly Commended (Loch Ard) - Toolangi CJ Dennis Written Poetry & Prose Competition 2022
- 1st Prize - Adults Writing for Children - (Fishing With My Dad) - Nandewar Bush Poetry Competition 2022
- 2nd Prize (On the Brink) - Rabindranath Tagore International Poetry Award 2022
- 1st Prize (Halong Bay - A Sonnet) - Boyup Brook Country Music Awards - Bush Poetry 2022
- Highly Commended (The Old Bush Hall)
- Blackened Billy Award for Written Bush Verse 2021
- 1st Prize & Trophy (Bittersweet Harvest)
- 3rd Prize (Master Craftsman)
- Highly Commended (Aussie Mateship) - Toolangi CJ Dennis Written Poetry and Prose Competition 2021
- 2nd Prize - Open Poetry (The Barber of Peak Hill)
- 3rd Prize - Short Story (The Axe-Man's Apprentice)
- Highly Commended - Adults Writing for Children (Willie Wagtail) - Gawler and Adelaide Plains Festival of Words Open Poetry Competition 2021 - Theme "Recovery"
- 3rd Prize (Healing) - Cervantes Festival of Art Written Bush Poetry Competition 2021 -
- Highly Commended (This Land of Ours) - Betty Olle Written Poetry Award 2021 -
- Commended (The Old Bush Hall) - Golden Wattle Awards and Queensland Championships 2021
- Commended (The Trial of Harry Redford)
- Toolangi CJ Dennis Written Poetry and Prose Competition 2020
- 1st Prize & Marian Mayne Trophy - Open Section Poetry (My Singing Garden)
- 1st Prize - Short Story Section (No Flies on the Sentimental Bloke)
- 1st Prize - Adults Writing for Children (School at Home) - Sutherland Shire Literary Competition 2020
- 1st Prize - Traditional Rhyming Verse (A Precious Chance) - Bronze Spur Written Bush Poetry Competition 2020
- 1st Prize (Lawson's Legacy)
- 2nd Prize (Aussie Mateship) - Boyup Brook Written Bush Poetry Competition 2020
- 1st Prize (In Praise of the One Teacher School) - Logan Poets "Muddy River" Written Poetry Competition 2020
- Highly Commended (Sun Goddess) - Blackened Billy Award for Written Bush Verse 2020
- 2nd Prize (Lawson's Legacy)
- 3rd Prize (My Singing Garden)
- Highly Commended (The Trial of Harry Redford) - Kembla Flame Written Poetry Competition 2020
- Highly Commended (The Storyteller)
- Henry Lawson Memorial & Literary Society National Written Awards 2019
- 1st Prize - Bush Verse (Keepers of Our Heritage)
- 2nd Prize - Free Verse (In Praise of Bush Verse) - The Toolangi CJ Dennis Competition for Written Poetry and Prose 2019
- 1st Prize - Poem for Children Section (Pumpkin)
- 2nd Prize - Short Story Section (Corporate Capers in the Land of Gosh)
- Highly Commended - Open Poetry Section (Best Man) - Queensland Written Poetry Championships 2019
- Highly Commended - Serious Section (The Trial of Harry Redford)
- Highly Commended - Humorous Section (Budget Hotel) - Jackie's Spring Competition - Poems Written for Children
- Highly Commended (My Big Secret) - Fellowship of Australian Writers (Lambing Flat) Cherry Festival Poetry Award 2019
- Commended (Who Will Save the Albatross?) - Kenilworth Arts Fest Open Poetry Award 2019
- Equal 2nd Prize (The Face in the Mirror) - Nandewar Written Poetry Competition 2019
- Highly Commended (A Precious Chance) - Betty Olle Written Bush Poetry Award 2019
- Commended (Among My Souvenirs) - Bronze Swagman Written Bush Poetry Award 2019
- Highly Commended (Lawson's Legacy) - Blackened Billy Award for Written Bush Verse 2019
- 2nd Prize (A Precious Chance)
- 3rd Prize (Dear Henry)
- Highly Commended (Among My Souvenirs) - Oracles of the Bush Written Bush Poetry Competition 2019
- 1st Prize Humorous Section ("Channel" No. 5) - Victorian Written Bush Poetry Championships 2019
- 3rd Prize Silver Brumby (Serious) Award (Seasons of Australia)
- Highly Commended Corryong Larrikin (Humorous) Award (Budget Hotel) - Dunedoo Written Bush Poetry Competition 2019
- 1st Prize (The Restorer's Tale) - Rabindranath Tagore International Open Poetry Award 2019
- 3rd Prize (Homeless) - Boyup Brook Written Poetry Award (West Australian Country Music Awards) 2019
- 2nd Prize (This Land of Ours)
- Sutherland Shire Literary Competition 2018
- 1st Prize - Traditional Rhyming Verse (Jack, My Friend) - Toolangi CJ Dennis Written Poetry and Prose Competition 2018
- 1st Prize - Short Story Section (Opening Night) - Nandewar Written Bush Poetry Competition 2018
- 3rd prize (Flying Doctor) - Scribes Writers Short Takes Literary Award 2018
- Commended - Memoir Category (The Little Colonel) - Kenilworth Arts Festival Open Poetry Competition 2018
- 1st Prize (A Day in the Life) - Bronze Swagman Written Bush Poetry Award 2010
- 2nd Prize (The Storyteller) - Eastwood/Hills FAW Literary Competition 2018
- 1st Prize - Alan Russell Award for Memoir (The Music Teacher) - Blackened Billy Written Bush Poetry Award 2018
- 3rd Prize (On the Brink)
- Commended (Communication Breakdown) - Henry Lawson Society of NSW (Gulgong) Literary Award 2018
- 2nd Prize (Humorous) and Commended (Overall) ("Channel" No. 5) - Oracles of the Bush Written Bush Poetry Award 2018
- First Runner Up "Quiet Achievers" Themed Section (The Jumbuck Drama Club) - Boyup Brook Written Poetry Award 2018
- Highly Commended (A Message from Clancy)
- Highly Commended (Homeless)
- Australian Written Bush Poetry Championships 2017
- 1st Prize - Humorous Section (Buy-Swap-Sell) - Toolangi CJ Dennis Written Poetry Competition 2017
- 1st Prize & Marian Mayne Trophy - Open Section (My Name's Doreen)
- 3rd Prize - Short Story Section (The Piano Player)
- Cervantes (WA) Written Bush Poetry Competition 2017
- Highly Commended (The Legacy of CY O'Connor) - West Wyalong "Pals of the Pen" Written Bush Poetry Competition 2017 - "Country Australia" theme
- 1st Prize (A Red Dirt Road to Nowhere) - Henry Lawson Memorial & Literary Society National Written Awards 2017
- 3rd Prize - Bush Poetry Section (Communication Breakdown)
- Highly Commended - Free Verse Section (A Day in the Life)
- Highly Commended - Short Story Section (Three Syllables) - Bronze Swagman Written Bush Poetry Award 2017
- Published in 2017 Book of Bush Verse (Boiled Eggs)(Not the Tenterfield Saddler) - Kenilworth Arts Festival Open Written Poetry Competition 2017
- 1st Prize (Facets of Freedom)
- Dunedoo Written Bush Poetry Competition 2017
- 1st Prize - Humorous Section (Lost for Words)
- Highly Commended - Serious Section (The Legend of Leichhardt)
- Adelaide Plains Written Open Poetry Competition 2017
- Commended (Child of My Heart) - Crafting Emotion International Poetry Anthology
- Selected for Inclusion (Sonnet at the Crossroads and Rain in the City) - Victorian Bush Poetry Championships 2017
- Highly Commended - Humorous Section (Boiled Eggs) - Jugiong Writers' Festival 2017 Open Poetry Competition 2017
- Highly Commended (Sun Goddess) - Kembla Flame Written Poetry Competition 2017
- Highly Commended (A Red Dirt Road to Nowhere)
- Boyup Brook Written Poetry Award 2017
- Highly Commended (The Jumbuck Drama Club) - Rabindranath Tagore Open Poetry Prize 2017 (based in India)
- 10th Place (At the End of the Day)
- Toolangi CJ Dennis Written Poetry Competition 2016
- 1st Prize & Marian Mayne Trophy - Open Section (Golden Wedding)
- 2nd Prize Themed "Ginger Mick" Section (Blarst the Flamin' War!)
- 2nd Prize as judged by children - Children's Section (My Teddy and I) - West Australian Written Poetry Championship 2016
- Highly Commended Serious Section (A Red Dirt Road to Nowhere)
- Commended Humorous Section (I Bought a Jeep) - Bronze Swagman Written Bush Poetry Award 2016
- Published in Book of Bush Verse 2016 (I Bought a Jeep) - Ipswich Feast International Written Poetry Award 2016
- 2nd Prize Open Bush Poetry Section (Weapon of Words) - Inaugural Betty Olle Written Poetry Award 2016
- 2nd Prize (Accordin' ter Rose) - NSW Written Poetry Championships & Binalong Poetry Prize 2016
- 1st Prize Humorous Section (Elixir of Life) - Copper Croc Written Bush Poetry Award 2016
- 1st Prize "Wild and Wonderful Australia" Section (Rich Beyond All Measure)
- Bush Lantern Written Bush Poetry Award 2016
- 2nd Prize (Sun Goddess)
- Highly Commended (Weapon of Words)
- Oracles of the Bush Written Bush Poetry Award 2016
- Highly Commended Humorous Section (Elixir of Life)
- Highly Commended Themed "Down Memory Lane" (Among my Souvenirs)
- Dunedoo Written Bush Poetry Award 2016
- 2nd Prize (September Skies) - Rabindranath Tagore International Open Poetry Prize 2015 - based in India
- 5th Place (Seasons) - Boyup Brook Written Bush Poetry Award 2016
- Highly Commended (In Her Dreams) - Blackened Billy Award for Written Bush Verse 2016
- Highly Commended (Accordin' ter Rose)
- Highly Commended (Jack, My Friend)
- Ipswich International Written Poetry Competition 2015
- 3rd Prize Open Bush Poetry Section (No Glory Here)
- Highly Commended Open Bush Poetry Section (Jack, My Friend) - Western Australian Written Poetry Championships 2015
- Highly Commended (Song of the Seasons) - Toolangi CJ Dennis Written Poetry Competition 2015
- 2nd Prize "Adults Writing for Children" Section (The Clever Cuckoo)
- 3rd Prize Themed Section (Accordin' ter Rose) - Bronze Swagman Written Bush Poetry Award 2015
- Published in Book of Bush Verse 2015 (No Glory Here) - Walkamin Country Music Bush Poetry Award 2015 - Mareeba Far North Qld
- 1st Prize (The Street Where I Grew Up) - Kembla Flame Written Bush Poetry Competition 2015
- Commended (No Glory Here) - Kangaroo Valley Written Bush Poetry Award 2015
- Highly Commended (Dear Henry) - Queensland Written Bush Poetry Championship - Bush Lantern Award 2015
- 1st Prize (Teddy, Teddy!) - Maryborough Literary Eisteddfod - Open Written Poetry Award 2015
- 1st Prize and Diana Hecker Trophy (Viva Verdi!) - Broken Ski Written Bush Poetry Award 2015
- 2nd Prize (Channel No. 5)
- Highly Commended (Memories of a Country Show) - Henry Lawson Written Bush Poetry Award 2015
- Commended (No Glory Here) - Copper Croc Written Bush Poetry Award 2015
- 3rd Prize (Dear Henry)
- Bendigo Bank "Feast of the Senses" Written Bush Poetry Award 2015
- 1st Prize (Highway to Nowhere)
- Rabindranath Tagore International Open Poetry Prize 2015 - based in India
- 8th Place (Reflections on Visiting a Burmese Village)
- Ipswich International Written Poetry Competition 2014
- Competition Champion and Winner of "Babies of Walloon" statuette
- 1st Prize Open Bush Poetry Section (A Lesson in Life)
- CJ Dennis Written Poetry Competition 2014
- 2nd Prize Open Section (The Poitry Competition)
- 3rd Prize Themed Section (Ginger Mick's Business Venture)
- Highly Commended "Adults Writing for Children" Section (Wild and Wonderful) - Bronze Swagman Written Bush Poetry Award 2014
- Published in Book of Bush Verse 2014 (The Music Teacher) - Bronze Spur Bush Poetry Award 2014
- 2nd Prize (The Legend of Tiny Tim) - Graham Fredriksen Memorial Bush Poetry Award 2014
- Commended (A Lesson in Life) - Copper Croc Written Bush Poetry Award 2014
- 3rd Prize (The Jumbuck Drama Club) - Victorian Bush Poetry Championships 2014
- Novice Champion - Written Verse
- Highest Scoring Novice - Serious Written Verse (A Lesson in Life) - Adelaide Plains Poets "My Passion" Open Poetry Award 2014
- Equal 1st Prize (The Quest)
- Honourable Mention (Viva Verdi) - Blackened Billy Bush Poetry Written Award 2014
- Highly Commended (The Music Teacher)
- International "Bush/Cowboy" Written Award (Australia-USA-Canada) 2013
- 10th Place (Humorous Section) (Channel No. 5) - Bronze Swagman Written Bush Poetry Award 2013
- Published in Book of Bush Verse 2013 (Flying Doctor) - Ipswich International Poetry Feast Written Competition 2013
- Highly Commended (Bush Poetry) (The Jumbuck Drama Club) - Maryborough Literary Eisteddford - Open Poetry Award 2013
- 1st Prize and Diana Hecker Trophy (The Last Thylacine)
- 2nd Prize (Highway to Nowhere) - Queensland Written Bush Poetry Championships 2013
- 3rd Prize (Master of Light) - Adelaide Plains Poets "The Elements" Open Poetry Award 2013
- Equal 1st Prize (Lady of the Elements)
- Highly Commended (Sonnet to the Wind)
- Bryan Kelleher Literary Award for Bush Poetry 2012
- 3rd Prize (In Praise of the One Teacher School)
- Highly Commended (Piano Man) - Maryborough Literary Eisteddfod - Open Poetry Award 2012
- 1st Prize (Out on the Border Ranges) - Bronze Swagman Written Bush Poetry Award 2012
- Published in Book of Bush Verse 2012 (Song of the Queenslander) - Adelaide Plains Poets "Crossroads" Open Poetry Award 2012
- Highly Commended (Pandora's Box) - Charlee Marshall Memorial "Golden Cockatoo" Bush Poetry Award 2012
- Encouragement Award (The Bull That Blossomed and The Miracle of Life) - Snowy Mountains Muster Written Bush Poetry Award 2012
- Highly Commended - Humorous Section (Macca and the Possum)
- Cherry Festival Open Poetry Award 2011
- 1st Prize (Some People) - Maryborough Literary Eisteddfod - Open Poetry Award 2011
- Highly Commended (The Quest)
Prizes for Poetry Performance
- Bundy Bush Poetry Muster - Bundaberg - July 2016
- 3rd Prize Open Original (Accordin' ter Rose by Shelley Hansen) - Queensland Bush Poetry Championships - Bundaberg - July 2014
- 1st Prize Novice Original (The Jumbuck Drama Club)
- 2nd Prize Novice Traditional (Why the Jackass Laughs by Banjo Paterson)
- 3rd Prize Novice Modern - ROD HANSEN (The Quest by Shelley Hansen)
- Bush Poetry Festival - Chillagoe (North Queensland) - July 2012
- Most Popular Female Artist